Daily Drawing Practice: #365Days Instagram Challenge

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Even though I’ve been on Instagram since 2011, soon after its inception, I haven’t really given it much attention over the years. And I thought it was time for change.

In a moment of inspiration (and perhaps insanity), on Nov 10th 2017, I challenged myself to posting to Instagram daily for the next 365 days. Given my busy schedule and a full range of other commitments, I didn’t impose further requirements. It was simply about getting into a habit of posting daily with the goal of exercising my creativity and growing my portfolio.

After few initial months I got into the flow of it all and it became part of my daily routine. Pressed to produce something worthy of sharing with my followers, I’ve been drawing and doodling almost daily. Surprisingly, it was more fun than work. I made over 300 new pieces in different styles and using different techniques – I drew, painted, and doodled, experimenting and playing with new tools and supplies.

In the end, it was a challenging but very rewarding experiment!

Below are few favorite illustrations in color and in black and white – you can view all entries on my Instagram page.

#365Days Instagram Challenge

I’ve tried many different styles and techniques

Joanna Ciolek  - #365days Instagram challenge

My favorite in colour

Joanna Ciolek  - #365days Instagram challenge

My favorite in black and white

Joanna Ciolek  - #365days Instagram challenge

View all of the entries on my Instagram page. And chat me up, I’d love to connect!

Do you keep a drawing book, sketchbook or an art journal?

Please share a link to your art – I’m curious about your adventures in art and creativity.