Finding Grace in Every Day #15

Gratitude is an essential part of growing. Without gratitude you cannot become your true self. You are only in imitation of your real potential, until you realize that the secret to living a wholehearted life lies in acceptance and grace.

Expressing gratitude frees up limitless energy that we otherwise spend rejecting reality, rejecting change. Through gratitude, we learn to take the world as it, good and bad, sweet and painful, positive and negative.

We learn to trust, go with the flow, be open, be authentic.

Finding Grace in Every Day #15Finding Grace in Every Day

Today I am thankful for:

  • Morning walks with Roxy
  • New art supplies
  • Howling winds last night
  • Lazy Sunday afternoons playing board games with kiddos
  • New business adventures
  • Cozy bonfires with a side of roasted marshmallows and meditation
  • The man coming home with pizza and beer
  • Being inspired by artists
  • Family movie nights

What are you thankful for?